Thursday, January 31, 2019

Livestock Exhibitors
There are still a few of you that have not completed your Quality County Certification. This is EXTREMELY important to have done before you check in at a major show. As of right now, I have not a clue as to what will happen if you have not completed it before you show. I would hate for show officials to not allow anyone to show after you have driven that far. Please get this taken care of. I will send text reminders to those that need to complete it.

There are still a few exhibitors that have not enrolled in 4-H on 4-H Connect. This is also important! I cannot get you all excused from school without proof that you are actually enrolled. Also, as an active 4-Her you are covered under 4-H insurance in case ANYTHING should happen at a 4-H event. Please get this done ASAP. I will send a reminder text to those as well.

Eligibility forms/School Excuses are sent ahead of time for each show. Each school gets one letter with all kids that attend that school listed on one letter. As parents, please double/triple check with the attendance clerk or secretary at the school to make sure they put the dates in for your child. Some schools do not put in absences until after the child returns and some put them in as soon as the letter is received. We do everything in our power to get the letters signed and returned to let us know that the kids are eligible.

If anyone is needing a ride to any major I will need to know ASAP so we can try to get everyone there.

We have pens for layover in San Antonio and in Houston. If you are in need of a pen at any of these shows please contact me (Rachel) at the office 806-373-0713 or text me 806-679-8085.

If you do not have my number Please save it in your phone!!! Rachel 806-679-8085,
I will be present at all shows. I will also have copies of all entry forms, swine validation information and Quality Counts numbers on me at all times during check ins if there are any issues during that process.

If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to contact me!!!

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